Producer of ‘Do the right thing’… “Why A Prison Reality Show?”
[조이뉴스24=권혜림 기자] The creators of Korea’s first-ever judicial reality program ‘Do the right thing’ revealed the behind story on why they made a reality program with a prison and reformation theme.
On January 18, a press conference of JTBC’s new reality program, ‘Do the right thing’ (Directed by Je Young Jae and Kim Min Jong) was held in Sangam, Seoul. Producers Je Young Jae and Kim Min Jong came to the conference with actors Kim Bosung, Park Geonhyung, Don Spike, YOO BYUNG JAE, JINU, and Kwon Hyunbin.
‘Do the right thing’ is a reality program created with the concept of revealing the process of committing a crime and receiving punishment. It’s not simply a prison experience show, but Korea’s first judicial reality program that displays the process of getting arrested, being put on trial, to being imprisoned. While the program was produced by YG Entertainment, producer Je Young Jae known for ‘Infinite Challenge’ and producer Kim Min Jong known for ‘Real Men’ directed the show.
Producer Je Young Jae who is directing his first show after leaving MBC stated, “Movies and dramas have used this subject for a long time but many people wondered why reality programs don’t deal whit this matter”. He continued, “There were many huge incidents last year and many scenes of people getting arrested were shown on the news, but people wondered what happens next. I was one of them”.
He added, “It’s a project we began since a lot of people don’t know about that process”. “The concept was to show what actually happens inside a prison at the scene. To film inside a prison, we needed assistance from the Ministry of Justice, and that was the hardest part. We made the offer in the summer, and they reviewed it carefully. We would like to send our gratitude to the Ministry of Justice, who helped us a lot in creating this show”.
The producer also stated, “Most people don’t have to go to prison and they shouldn’t”. “Some people go in and out of prison very often, but some people go to prison due to a momentary mistake or because they couldn’t control their emotions and make a mistake. We wanted to let the people know that prison is not a place you want to be, and that prison is not a good place for people to live in, through this program”.
Producer Kim Min Jong stated, “Although the starring cast do not commit crimes, we want our viewers to think for themselves by how the judicial system works after one commits a crime”. He added, “The title of our show is the purpose of the program. We want the viewers to think themselves, why they should live kindly”.
‘Do the right thing’ first premieres on January 19 at 9 PM, and will air every Friday.
2018. 1. 18.