WINNER Goes on Animal Farm with Their Pets

2017-06-18 09:20 am

[OSEN=박판석 기자] WINNER revealed their pets. Just seeing the members with their pets was interesting enough. 

On June 18’s episode of SBS’s Animal Farm, WINNER appeared as a guest. They came to the studio set and revealed their group house, pets, and faces without any makeup through a pre-recorded video. 

It’s been two years since WINNER had pets in their group house. They have three cats and a dog, all of which have become like family to them. HOON said, “We wanted to show our cute pets on Animal Farm.” 

The biggest star was their dog Ote. Ote ran about the house and bothered the three cats. YOON saw the video and said, “Sometimes think that the cats are deliberately avoiding Ote.” 

It’s not easy living with four pets. JINU even had to take medication to bathe them since he is allergic to cat fur. All the furniture in WINNER’s group house was damaged because of their pets. 

WINNER members jointly take care of their pets. Even bathing them is not an easy job, and they help each other to take care of their four pets. 

HOON said that having pets actually gives WINNER members more energy. He said, “I wouldn’t have been able to handle the pressure and loneliness if it weren’t for Ote.” 

WINNER members even cooked for their pets. HOON and YOON made Chinese meatballs, and JINU and MINO made chicken tomatoes. Both the dishes looked delicious. 

However, their pets chose the meatballs. They didn’t even try the chicken tomatoes. MINO said, “We don’t even cook for ourselves. We’re just happy our babies like what we made.” 

Their pets were always on their minds even during their busy schedules. WINNER went straight to see their pets when they came home. 

JINU can’t sleep with the cats because of his allergy, so YOON tried to sleep with them instead of him. However, he was not their favorite, and WINNER’s pets went out of his bed to sleep with their favorite members.  

2017. 6. 18.