[People is] The biggest misunderstanding for iKON “Are they a rookie who debuted only 40 days ago?”

[일간스포츠=엄동진 기자] iKON is flying high on charts. On current music charts where Dynamic Duo who debuted 10 years ago and Lim Chang-Jung who debuted as many as 20 years ago are staying, iKON took No.1. As of November 19 in the morning, iKON came down to the third place, but still, that is an outstanding record. iKON has recorded hit for three times in a row with debut song “MY TYPE”, second single “RHYTHM TA”, and then finally with “APOLOGY”. This kind of record is very rare and unprecedented for a rookie idol group.
That is why many people have a big misunderstanding for iKON, thinking that it has already been three or four years since iKON’s debut. However, iKON made their official debut with “MY TYPE” at the end of September this year. It is really not easy for an idol group who is only in the second month from their debut to enjoy this kind of big popularity and build such a big fandom. People may think iKON is like a third-or-fourth-year idol group, because iKON is already like a veteran. iKON had engaged in many competitions in survival audition shows like “WIN” and “MIX & MATCH”, to stand on the stage. In the process, iKON naturally learned how to survive on the stage. The reason why iKON looks more seasoned on the stage than senior idol groups is because they have rich experiences of standing on the stage.
As a result of such hard work, iKON has survived on music charts of this winter season, where ordinary idol groups can barely survive. As of November 18 at 6pm, there are only two songs of idol boy groups in top 50 on Melon’s real-time chart: iKON’s “APOLOGY” ranked in the third place and EXO’s “LIGHTSABER” ranked 47th. iKON’s record is especially outstanding. Even though it has been only a month and a half since iKON’s official debut, iKON made their third single “APOLOGY” take No.1 on the chart, following the No.1 of two previous songs (“MY TYPE” and “RHYTHM TA”).
Then, what is the reason why there are only a few songs of idol boy groups? First, it is because of the season. Usually, idol groups’ music is the most popular from summer to autumn. In the winter season, tender and calm ballad and R&B songs replace idol groups’ songs on charts. Second, idol groups’ music is not that successful on charts these days. Other than BIGBANG or EXO, few idol groups have achieved success on charts with their music recently. The baton of success on charts has been passed to iKON. iKON’s “APOLOGY” released in November is selling well on music-streaming websites. It goes well with the season, and its melody and lyrics are appealing. As such, the quality of iKON’s music is too good to be looked down as a song of just one of those idol groups.

Just as WINNER’s “empty” released last year to enjoy a big popularity was, iKON’s music itself is enough to enjoy such a big popularity. The big popularity of iKON is expected to last for some time. The choreography for the song, which has been unveiled in the form of practice video, is also impressive. In “APOLOGY”, iKON is bringing the aesthetics of choreography to the climax.
On the 18, iKON unveiled the choreography video of “APOLOGY”, the title track of their double digital single, for the first time. Disciplined group dance for which even the members’ breathes seem to be part of the choreography leaves a strong impression. At the same time, choreography that highlights each member’s individual characters also stands out. The power of young men in their early twenties is well expressed in the choreography, while the lines created in the dance create a sad feel and a perfect harmony with the song’s lyrics. Choreography customized for each point of the lyrics such as “Sorry~ Sorry~ Sorry for leaving you” is also very impressive.
iKON swept No.1 on music charts after releasing their new song “APOLOGY” and “ANTHEM” on November 16 at 0 o’clock. By setting an unprecedented record of taking No.1 on charts for three times in a row, iKON proved themselves to be the most outstanding idol boy group for the year 2015. iKON’s music videos are also recording rapidly-growing number of views.
2015. 11. 19.