PSY Says, “I Cannot Beat ‘Gangnam Style’ Forever”

2014-06-11 11:54 am

[조이뉴스 24=이미영기자] In an interview with American Billboard, PSY disclosed episodes related with his new song “HANGOVER” that has been released before a new album.

Billboard humorously said, “The Korean superstar behind “Gangnam Style” writes about what he knows, with boozing it up being one of his particular areas of expertise”. Then, it cites PSY’s answer, “”Yes, I’m a heavy drinker. I can honestly say [I’m hungover] half of the year.”

Billboard added, “Naturally, his affinity for having a drink (or two or three or four…) has proven to be excellent song-fodder, with the explosive success right out of the gate for new single “HANGOVER,” featuring Snoop Dogg. In less than two days since its release, the song’s zany video has attracted more than 25 million views on YouTube.”


PSY also talked about an episode about his collaboration with Snoop Dogg in the interview. PSY said, “”One day I wrote a hip-hop track and I thought about one catchy word. I was hungover and I thought about hangover, so I just recorded it right away. As soon as I got that hook part I thought about Snoop Dogg, because we all know he’s hanging over every day.”

Then, PSY went on to disclose another episode of Snoop Dogg’s featuring for “HANGOVER”, saying “I called him and said ‘I’m PSY, do you know me?’ and he was like ‘What?’ I said ‘can you feature on my song’ and he’s asking the title and I say ‘Hangover.’ And he said, ‘Oh, I’m doing it.’ So, that’s how we met.”

PSY also mentioned the reason why he picked hip-hop for his comeback, differently from the genre electronic dance music “Gangnam Style” and “Gentleman”.

PSY also mentioned “Gangnam Style” and talked about his new moves for “HANGOVER”, stating, “I cannot beat that song forever.  How can I beat a song that has 2 billion views? So I thought I should show something new, and that is why I did something different.”

The music video of PSY’s “HANGOVER” has reached 28,890,000 views on YouTube as of the morning on the 11 and the number of “Like”s has also surpassed 343,000, recording an explosive increase in the number of views.

2014. 6. 11.