PSY Makes Worldwide Comeback in 14 months… Three Reasons Why It Seems Promising
[스타뉴스 길혜성 기자] World-star PSY (37, Park Jae Sang) is finally coming back.
PSY will appear in American TV network ABC’s late-night talk show “Jimmy Kimmel’s Live: Game Night” with world-famous hip-hop musician Snoop Dogg, in the evening on the 8 this month (local time). In the show, PSY is disclosing the music video of “HANGOVER”, the song that will be released before the release of the new album. In the morning on the 9 this month in Korean time, the music video of “HANGOVER” will be disclosed on YouTube and in the afternoon on the same day, the music will be released on iTunes worldwide.
After the news of PSY’s comeback was confirmed officially by PSY’s label YG Entertainment (“YG”) recently, the price of stocks related with PSY have skyrocketed in the domestic stock market. That shows the fact that there are high expectations for PSY’s comeback. Leading overseas media outlets are also covering the news of the release of PSY’s new song day after day, treating PSY as a world star.
Even though the video and music of “HANGOVER” have yet to be disclosed, PSY is seeing good news for his new song in several different aspects.
We are explaining the reasons behind the big spotlight on PSY’s new song “HANGOVER” to be released one year and two months after the release of “GENTLEMAN” in April last year, even before it is unveiled.
◆ With Snoop Dogg
One of the reasons why the news of the release of PSY’s “HANGOVER” has excited the domestic stock market and why foreign media outlets are fast to catch news about his comeback is the collaboration between PSY and Snoop Dogg.
Snoop Dogg is a big star in the world’s hip-hop world. Snoop Dogg made a big name in 1993, when his debut album “Doggy Style” took the No.1 on Billboard chart. Since then, he has become the musician who leads the West-Coast hip-hop scene of America. He has sold about 170 million records in the United States alone for the past 20 years, and has been nominated for Grammy Awards ten times. In a word, Snoop Dogg is a hip-hop big shot who is equipped with both talent and popularity.
Snoop Dogg took part in production of PSY’s “HANGOVER”, featuring for the song’s rap. Snoop Dogg directly visited Korea earlier this year, to appear in the music video of “HANGOVER”, which was shot in the Incheon region. Snoop Dogg also appears in “Jimmy Kimmel’s Live: Game Night” with PSY, for the promotion of “HANGOVER” in the country. Snoop Dogg’s contribution was not just confined to the featuring, but he has been actively helping the whole journey of production of PSY’s new album, from the songwriting to promotion. That shows the fact that Snoop Dogg has a big affection for PSY and “HANGOVER”.
After taking the second place on “Hot 100 Chart”, which is American Billboard’s main single chart, with mega hit “GANGNAM STYLE”, “GENTLEMAN” also took the 5th place on the same chart, enjoying a worldwide popularity. The success of those two songs in a row shows that PSY is not just a “one hit wonder”, but a genuine world star.
Plus, as Snoop Dogg, one of the world-best hip-hop musicians, has taken part in the production of “HANGOVER”, many people are expressing high expectations for PSY’s new album.
◆ “GANGNAM STYLE” Surpassed 2bn Views, with Favorable News
Before the release of PSY’s new song “HANGOVER”, PSY saw good news that came under the spotlight of media outlets around the world. In one year, 10 months, and 15 days after the first disclosure of “GANGNAM STYLE” on July 15, 2012, on May 31 this year, the number of views of “GANGNAM STYLE”’s music video has surpassed 2 billion on the official YouTube channel alone.
The music video of “GANGNAM STYLE” has already retained the biggest view record as a single video ever released on YouTube worldwide, and it has set an unprecedented record, first breaking the 2 billion-record in history.
Upon surpassing the 2 billion clicks, Billboard made headlines with “GANGNAM STYLE” on its official website on the main page. It said, “PSY has reached an unprecedented milestone with “GANGNAM STYLE”.
Renowned media outlets including Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, CNN, NBC, ABC, and BBC, as well as leading American entertainment media outlets such as Hollywood Reporter, Rolling Stone, and Entertainment Weekly have swiftly covered the news of “GANGNAM STYLE” reaching the 2 billion view on YouTube.
With the record of 2 billion view of “GANGNAM STYLE”’s music video, those overseas foreign media outlets are publishing the news about PSY’s future moves, including the plan for the release of “HANGOVER”.
Before the release of “HANGOVER”, PSY has achieved the unprecedented record of 2 billion views for the music video of “GANGNAM STYLE”, creating a global-level attention on his yet-unreleased new song.
So, it can be said that PSY has naturally gotten an opportunity to promote his new song “HANGOVER” even before its release, with the record of “GANGNAM STYLE” on YouTube.
That is another reason behind the already-high interest in “HANGOVER”.
◆ There is World Cup Too!
PSY’s new song “HAGNOVER” is known to be a song with a strong hip-hop element, unlike his past hits “GANGNAM STYLE” and “GENTLEMAN”. Anyway, the new song well expresses PSY’s unique cheerful and exciting energy.
The global community is going into a full-festive mood from the middle of this month, because the once-in-four-years world festival World Cup Games will be held in Brazil.
PSY is a singer who cannot be taken apart from festivals. Even before becoming a world-star, he has never been absent from festivals in Korea. After becoming a world-star with “GANGNAM STYLE”, he has been letting off his cheerful every in every corner of the world.
PSY is the singer with a pleasant energy, who best suits the exciting atmosphere of world festivals like the World Cup. Plus, PSY is already a world star.
Since PSY delivered the news of the release of “HANGOVER” right before the World Cup, the global community is paying a keen attention to the new song to “play” with him.
We are very much looking forward to the success of PSY’s new album after its official release, with such a big attention on “HANGOVER” in and out of the country even from now.
2014. 6. 5.