Evaluation Begins to Choose Final Members of YG’s BABYMONSTER…JENNIE Appears for Support

2023-03-10 06:35 pm

[OSEN=지민경 기자] YG rookie girl group BABYMONSTER’s first episode for their debut reality show has been unveiled in the midst of global fan’s attention.

The 7 trainees split into two groups to carry out a mission. YANG HYUN SUK, YG’s Executive Producer said, “It’s important to think of the combination of members rather than choosing members that are skilled”. He chose AHYEON with great vocal techniques, PHARITA with a deep tone, and RUKA that has great rap skills as A team members.

The three girls were more than excited to see each other being selected as the same team. They received a mission to cover YG senior artist ROSÉ’s ‘Gone’, and divided their parts smoothly as if they knew who wanted to play which part.

While the girls continued their practice to improve the overall quality of the performance, they met a hurdle. PHARITA, who was in charge of the most important chorus part, felt her throat’s condition falling. Although they were startled with the unexpected situation, they readjusted their parts and continued practicing while encouraging each other.

For their mid-check, YG senior artist BLACKPINK JENNIE made a surprise appearance to support the members. Not only did she give feedback for each stage, she gave advice to the members looking back on her trainee days, saying, “Rather than worrying about parts I’ll do wrong, I kept thinking to myself that I’m going to shock everyone out there. One thing I was sure of was the fact that I really wanted to do this.”

Despite feeling the pressure of the upcoming evaluation, the three members looked back on JENNIE’s advice and kept practicing. RUKA, a Japanese member asked PHARITA for English pronunciation advice, and PHARITA did her best to help her by giving her guidance.

The evaluation day came and the three members went on stage. The next episode which will be unveiled next Friday at 12AM will show their performance and how the other team prepared for their performance.

Meanwhile, BABYMONSTER is a rookie girl group YG is releasing in 7 years. Most of the trainees are in their teens composed of multi-national members with 3 Korean members (AHYEON, HARAM, RORA), 2 Thai members (PHARITA, CHIQUITA), and 2 Japanese members (RUKA, ASA). As the members proved to be all-rounders in the vocal, dance, and rap category, they’re expected to take over the global music scene in 2023, going beyond K-POP.

2023. 3. 10.