British media publishes a guide to Psy’s new dance routine – the next horse-ride dance?

2013-04-15 06:36 pm


One of the largest daily newspapers in Britain, The Sun, published an article introducing Psy’s new dance dubbed the ‘arrogant dance’ with a guide to its routine.

The newspaper wrote Psy’s new song that was released on April 13 (Korean time) could become ‘Gangnam part 2’, and posted a detailed photograph of how to dance along the ‘arrogant dance.’

The reporter, Lee Price, posed for the photographs himself to kindly teach the readers how to do the dance in eight steps which includes some moves like: “put your hands behind your head, squat and swing your hips from side-to-side.”

‘Gentleman’, by the look of it so far, seems like it will easily beat his own song, ‘Gangnam Style.’ Its Youtube video clip hit 44.5 million views in just three days, and with this pace, it will be safe to say that the global star will witness 100 million views in one week since its release.

Psy, through his music video, exposes a ‘brat-like’ character. The main dance dubbed the ‘arrogant dance’, is a recreation of the choreography of ‘Abracadabra’ of Brown Eyed Grils.

‘Gentleman’ portrays Psy playing pranks on other people and showing sexual interest in other women, while the seemingly meaningless line ‘mother, father, gentleman’ repeats itself in the background. It indeed has an addictive touch to it.