‘YG TREASURE BOX’ YANG HYUN SUK, “Will Do Something That Never Happened for the Past 22 Years”

2018-11-19 01:48 pm

[뉴스엔=김명미 기자] Part of the 2nd episode of ‘YG TREASURE BOX’ has been revealed, gathering the attention of fans following the first episode.

On November 19 at 11 AM, YG Entertainment revealed the preview for ‘YG TREASURE BOX’ through their official blog and VLIVE.

The preview revealed team J, composed of trainees from YG JAPAN following teams Treasure A, B, and C. Team J revealed their powerful and coordinated teamwork, enough to make the three existing teams nervous. The trainees were surprised and stated, “Suddenly it’s group J”, while also watching out for them.

Representative producer YANG HYUN SUK then announced, “I’ll do something that never happened in YG for the past 22 years” and continued, “We’ll have a visual trainee battle between each group”.

Then the handsome ‘visual trainees’ all gathered in one place. As he jokes, “Are there no visual members in Treasure A?”, the tense scene of the monthly evaluation eases at once.

However, representative YANG made the scene tense again by sighing and stating, “I don’t feel anything” during the individual evaluations of vocalist-positioned trainees.

In addition, representative YANG called out CHOI HYUN SUK and JUNG JUNHYUK by stating, “HYUN SUK, let’s battle!”. The two trainees presented a fierce rap battle overcoming their ages, while a part of their battle and their rap skills have been revealed.

Lastly, representative YANG pointed out, “I think I’d be ashamed if I were you” to trainee CHOI HYUN SUK, which was enough to raise expectations on the second episode despite being a short preview.

2018. 11. 19.