YG, “SECHSKIES Planning on Countermeasures… MINO’s Solo Comeback on November 26” [OFFICIAL]

2018-10-30 02:43 pm
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[일간스포츠=김연지 기자] YG Entertainment announced their plans for the remaining 2018, following their announcement on the 29th. YG Entertainment responded to the questions regarding SECHSKIES, MINO’s first solo album release date, and the fans’ curiosities regarding WINNER’s plans. They also raised the fans’ expectation by revealing that iKON, who made three comebacks this year, will end the year by releasing the NEW KIDS repackage album in December 31, and come back next year with a new project.

-Tell us about the future plans regarding SECHSKIES. “YG has signed with 3 artists that established their positions outside of YG, and they are “PSY”, “EPIK HIGH”, and “SECHSKIES”. PSY and EPIK HIGH have worked with YG for the past 7~8 years, and we’ve created good memories and products together. Now they are walking their own paths, since their contract terms have ended. Now the only team recruited from outside that remains is SECHSKIES, but they are going through chaotic times due to an unexpected event that happened recently. I’ve been avoiding talking to the members regarding the subject since it may be burdensome for them with concert schedules coming up, but now that the schedules are settled, I plan to discuss the group’s new project, which is currently on halt, along with future countermeasures. I’ve mentioned my personal desire of producing EUN JIWON’s solo project in addition to SECHSKIES’ new project through my social media account, and the project is currently being recorded. I’m sorry that I can’t share more details since we’re only at the staring point at the moment, but I hope this news will ease the minds of the fans who were worried and confused”.

-When is MINO’s first solo album coming out? “The recording for the album is complete, but we had difficulties while deciding when to release MINO’s first solo album for the past couple of months. Since it will be his first solo album, we need active promotion through broadcasts for the first couple of weeks after its release. However, WINNER had concert schedules overseas every weekend for three months from September to November, except for one week.  Since the concert in Hong Kong on November 24 will be the group’s last concert being held overseas for a while, the fastest and most appropriate release date for MINO’s first solo album turned out to be November 26.  I’m noticing the confirmed release date for the first time”.

-Will WINNER be able to release new songs this year as well? “Yes. We are planning on announcing WINNER’s 3rd official album after MINO’s activities on his first solo album end. We will share detailed news including WINNER’s encore concert schedule in Korea through further notice. I hope this will be glad news for the fans of WINNER.

-iKON made their third comeback this year, which is unprecedented in YG. What are iKON’s future plans? “The reason why iKON was able to release many songs was because they worked on a lot of music, while they stayed quiet in the K-Pop scene last year. 

In other words, most of the songs released this year were created last year. Since the NEW KIDS series have ended through 4 releases, we plan to end this year with the release of NEW KIDS repackage album on December 31, and start a new project for next year. The NEW KIDS repackage album will include a new track and a music video, but we are not planning on any official promotion or music broadcast activities”.

2018. 10. 30.