[Exclusive] WINNER Shows Off Their Great Taste in Fashion on their Way to their First Airply on Show! Music Core

[일간스포츠=이미현 기자] WINNER is to appear on MBC’s Show! Music Core for the first time. We covered them on their way to the studio.
▶ whom? WINNER
▶ when? April 8, 2017
▶ where? MBC’s Sangam Studio
▶ what were they doing? on their way to the studio
▶ how was their style? perfect although it was very early in the morning
▶ why? WINNER’s first time ever appearance on MBC’s Show! Music Core
WINNER made a comeback after a 14-month hiatus with “REALLY REALLY” and “FOOL” on April 4.
WINNER became a four-member group after NAM TAEHYUN left the team last year. It was a crisis for them, but upon comeback, WINNER is sweeping charts in and out of Korea.
WINNER announced that they will be doing many TV appearances this time even before their comeback. It was good news to the fans.
The first show on the list was Show! Music Core! It is WINNER’s first airplay since their comeback and their first appearance on Show! Music Core since their debut three years ago.
We wondered what WINNER members would be like on their way to the first Show! MusicCore appearance. Let’s have a peek.

“It’s cloudy, but WINNER looks like a winner.”
Here they are. It’s a little early in the morning. They look a bit tired but excited at the same time. Look at LEE SEUNGHOON leaning against the van.

“Posing time is over. Let’s go!”
KANG SEUNGYOON is looking at the camera. It is enough to melt any girl’s heart. LEE SEUNGHOON looks cheerful. What are you looking at, MINO and JINWOO?

“Life is beautiful~~~♬.”
Wherever WINNER goes, they make it a runway. Look at the different fashion of each of the four members. SONG MINO’s longggggg belt stands out. No one can pull it off but SONG MINO.

“Look here please!”
WINNER is always nice. Look at them smiling and making a “v”. You can see the sign of MBC now. It’s their first time entering MBC’s Show! Music Core studio!

“Their back looks ‘really really’ perfect too.”
We now see the back of WINNER entering the MBC studio. The show starts at 3:50 PM. It is their first airplay since comeback and their first ever appearance on Show! Music Core. Check it out!
2017. 4. 8.