Director of ‘Commitment’ extols T.O.P “A true action star. Amazing”
[OSEN=정유진 기자] Director Park Hong Soo of the film the ‘Commitment’ extoled T.O.P (his real name Choi Seung Hyun) from BIGBANG for his acting, “A true action star.”
At the New Millennium Hall of Konkuk University in Hwayang-dong Seoul on Oct 16, where showcase event of the film the ‘Commitment’ was held, the director said, “There was a ridiculous number of scenes that required actions, but T.O.P did it perfectly. At the filming site, many said that he is a true action star, and how amazing he is.”
He added, “There were a number of difficult scenes, but T.O.P breezed through them. He did hurt his hand once, but since he thought it would make the staff worried, he personally went to them and told them he’s ok. That kind of thoughtfulness helped us complete the filming in success.”
T.O.P plays a North Korean boy named Lee Myung Hoon, who crosses down to South Korea to become a killer in order to save his only sister’s life.
The ‘Commitment’ is a film featuring a 19-year-old who is arrested in a detention center because of his wrongfully accused father, accepting the offer to become a spy in South Korea to save his only sister. T.O.P, Han Ye Ri and Kim Yoo Jung are three of the main actors. It will be released in cinemas on Nov 6.
2013. 10. 16.