YG Becomes First in the Industry to Obtain ‘ISO45001’, the Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management System
[헤럴드경제=고승희 기자] YG Entertainment announced on the 22nd that it has obtained the international standard for occupational health and safety management system, the ‘ISO 45001’ certification, for the first time as an corporation in the Korean pop culture industry.
In order to respond to the occupational health and safety environment, YG Entertainment had put in place management policies and goals, organizational structure and manuals, procedures, guidelines, and regulations which comply to ISO safety and health requirements. They also established industrial accident prevention processes which include safety and health education and safety inspections for their executives and employees, leading them to obtain the ‘ISO45001’ certification from the ICR International Certification Registrar, a global certification organization.
YG Entertainment said, “Our top priority lies in the safety of all executives and partners in our overall corporate management activities such as music and audio production, cultivating new artists, management, advertising agencies, and performance businesses”. They then added, “We will continue to create inclusive values that encompass diversity and take the lead in forming a healthy culture in the industry”.
Meanwhile, ‘ISO45001’ was established in 2018 and is considered the highest level of international certification related to safety and health. It was found to prevent and manage various risks in advance and to promote sustainable growth after consultation with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO). This certification is granted to companies and institutions that have established safety and health management systems in response to various types of risks related to industrial accidents.2022.11.29