WINNER Reveals Their Daily Lives During Tour in Dallas·Chicago

[일간스포츠=박정선 기자] Group WINNER revealed their joyous chemistry during their North America tour.
Today(20th) at 1 PM, YG Entertainment uploaded episode 10 of ‘W-LOG’, a vlog which contains the daily lives of WINNER, through their official YouTube channel.
The schedule in Dallas was short but fierce for the members of WINNER. YOON expressed his frustrations of not being able to tour the city by stating, “Our schedule in Dallas was the most frustrating. We arrived on the date of the concert, so we had to head there right away…”.
HOONY seemed to be bright after regaining his condition in Dallas, although he was not in good shape from the beginning of their North America tour. JINU looked after HOONY, revealing his aspects as the ‘WINNER protector’.
Prior to getting on stage, the members performed a theater of situations and revealed their amazing teamwork. YOON explained why their schedule in Dallas became short as if he was talking for an interview, while MINO and JINU performed cute magic as a magician duo.
After presenting unforgettable memories for the fans in Dallas, WINNER headed to Chicago right away. Despite the harsh schedule, the members greeted Chicago with bright smiles when the new day began.
The members enjoyed Chicago in their own style. MINO and YOON who followed HOONY, the ‘local restaurant mania’, to eat breakfast, reminisced about the night before. MINO explained that he went to a Jazz bar to experience the local culture and stated, “It was amazing”. HOONY and YOON enjoyed dinner at a local Chicago pizza restaurant.
In the end of the video, WINNER performed another theatre of situations. To MINO who asked what HOONY is doing as a camera man, HOONY explained, “I’m on a meeting discussing how we can present the best performance”. He added, “We always check twice to make sure we present our best performance”. MINO started checking HOONY out in his face and hair, sticking the camera close-up to him. The close-up coverage by MINO in the waiting room decorated the ending of W-LOG, making the viewers burst into laughter.
WINNER went on their first-ever North America tour composed of a total of 7 concerts in 7 cities on January, proving their influence and popularity as a global group.
2019. 4. 20.