The Story Behind the Collaboration with BLACKPINK Revealed by Dua Lipa

[일간스포츠 =황지영 기자] Pop artist Dua Lipa revealed the story behind her collaboration with BLACKPINK.
Dua Lipa explained how she offered BLACKPINK to work together in a recently held interview by stating, “BLACKPINK’s LISA and JENNIE came to watch me perform when I was in Seoul. We shared a short time together after the concert, and it was great. Then it just came to my mind. What if I send a track and we work together”.
According to Dua Lipa, the process advanced quickly after the collaboration with BLACKPINK was confirmed. “We were responding to each other very quickly. BLACKPINK changed some of my lyrics into Korean”.
The song ‘KISS AND MAKE UP’ created under collaboration between BLACKPINK and Dua Lipa is a lively rhythmical dance track, composed of both English and Korean. US Billboard left positive reviews on the song by explaining, “It’s BLACKPINK and Dua Lipa’s first collaborative song. The listeners can check out the catchy vocals of 5 different artists”.
After its release on the 19th, the song ‘KISS AND MAKE UP’ topped iTunes Charts in 21 different countries and was placed at no. 8 in the US, proving the group’s global popularity. BLACKPINK did more than merely participate as a featuring artist through this collaboration, as they have actively engaged in filling up half of the song parts.
2018. 10. 21.