YG’s ‘Prison’ Variety Show ‘Let’s Live Kindly’, First Premieres Next Month on the 19th
[이데일리 스타in=이정현 기자] The variety program ‘Live A Nice Life’, produced YG Entertainment will first premiere at JTBC next month on the 19th at 9 PM.
‘Let’s Live Kindly’ is a reality program produced by YG Entertainment, and will reveal the real process of committing a crime and receiving punishment. It’s not a program that portrays prison life experience, but is the first-ever Korean judicial reality program that covers the process of being arrested, going under trial, and being imprisoned.
The program was directed by producer Je Young Je from ‘Infinite Challenge’ and producer Kim Min Jong from ‘Real men’. They stated, “We planned this program to reveal the hard-work of correctional officers in-depth, and pass on the message of ‘Let’s not commit crimes’”.
‘Let’s Live Kindly’ was shot at real police stations, courts, and prisons, while actual policemen, correctional officers, and judicial officers also participated on the show. The hard-work by correctional officers will be revealed on the show. The production team received strict legal advice from the law enforcement, and is expected to portray a high-quality judicial reality.
‘Let’s Live Kindly’ will star actor Kim Bo Sung, Park Gun Hyung, Entertainer Kim Jong Min, Yoo Byung Jae, Composer Don Spike, JINU from idol group WINNER, and Kwon Hyunbin from JBJ.
2017. 12. 26.