[SCZoom人] #7 Dragon Balls #Youth Better than Flower #Kang’s Kitchen… SONG MINHO succeeded in achieving all these

2017-07-19 12:08 pm
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[스포츠조선=최보란 기자] SONG MINHO’s finger is making the greatest contribution to “New Journey to the West 4” show. 

tvN’s “New Journey to the West” show aired on the 18 this month presented a “great release of dragon balls” mission, which was kind of a mid-term. As the cast members of the show had already collected five dragon balls with SONG MINHO’s great contribution, they had to get only two more. Kyuhyun gave the first try and got the sixth dragon ball by succeeding in picking the right liquor brand. SONG MINHO gave the final try to win the seventh dragon ball.  

The mission the members had to fulfill to get the last ball for realizing their wishes was to throw water bottles and make them stand straight. All the cast members said “it’s a miracle if anyone successfully performs the mission” as it was really difficult, but SONG MINHO continuously succeeded in making bottles stand straight up during practice. The rest of the members had great expectations for SONG MINHO’s success, but he failed in the real game, frustrating the others. 

Then, Lee Soo-geun thought out a trick to hand 500,000 Dong to producer Na Young-seok to ask for another opportunity. SONG MINHO did his very best to catch the final chance. Eventually, he failed again, to please the staff. The YB team bought another last chance by paying the money they won in the previous game. The final game was the key for the realization of everyone’s wish. SONG MINHO miraculously succeeded in completing the mission, to obtain his first dragon ball. 

It is not an exaggeration to say that “New Journey to the West” season 4 is a season for SONG MINHO. SONG surprised everyone by achieving success that went beyond the staff’s prediction. In the process, SONG’s character as an idiot changed greatly and he emerged as the funniest guy among the cast. 

In a game of guessing the right names of famous people to win Vietnamese home meal, which was broadcasted in an earlier episode, SONG embarrassed everyone by shouting “Ano” for first name “Sophie”, not “Marceau”. SONG nonchalantly insisted that there was a person named “Sophie Ano”. Then, he gained a new nickname of “Finger SONG” by unbelievably picking every spot he wanted in a finger dart mission in which the members had to exactly point a tiny spot with their finger on a dartboard after making 15 turns. 

Eventually, SONG MINHO pointed the spot on which the staff of the show jokingly wrote down foreign luxury cars as gifts, making producer Na Young-seok kneel down in front of the members. Instead of the cars, SONG received five dragon balls. Then, in a mission of “great release of dragon balls”, SONG succeeded in obtaining the seventh dragon ball following the sixth one won by Kyuhyun, playing the central role in summoning the dragon god. 

In “New Journey to the West 3”, SONG MINHO wore girls’ clothes after being selected as a girl character in cartoon series “Dragon Ball”. He also confessed his secret of hair loss, saying “I’m the youngest one here but have the smallest amount of hair”, to win the mission to pick the unhappiest person and give him a lunchbox. More than anything, SONG boasted his innocence, giving wrong answers in quiz. He took the nickname of “idiot” away from Ahn Jae-hyun who got the nickname in season 2 and Kyuhyun who got the same nickname in season 3. 

In the very first episode of season 4, SONG MINHO had to shave his head after losing a table tennis match against Kang Ho-dong. Then, he frightened the staff of the show with one finger, to present an upgraded sense of humor and wit. Fans of “New Journey to the West” show are expressing great anticipation for SONG MINHO in the rest of season 4. 

2017. 7. 19.