“This fantastic combination”… G-DRAGON collaborates with Pharrell Williams

2016-12-06 01:08 pm

[Dispatch=이수아기자] “BIGBANG” G-DRAGON displayed his friendship with Pharrell Williams.

On December 6, G-DRAGON posted his photos taken with Pharrell Williams on his Instagram account, hinting on a fantastic collaboration between the two artists who represent the east and the west respectively. The friendly atmosphere between the two catches the eyes.

In the photo, G-DRAGON presents a bold styling. He boasts his unrivalled sense of fashion, wearing fluorescent-colored hair and knit.

Pharrell Williams is looking into the camera, while leaning toward G-DRAGON. His charismatic pose catches the eyes.

In the meantime, G-DRAGON is soon to come back in BIGBANG. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of BIGBANG’s debut, he is working on a collaboration project with Pharrell Williams. 

2016. 12. 6.