iKON sweeping charts recorded 2mn views for MV… “Hot” rookie in foreign countries, too

2015-09-16 12:19 pm

[일간스포츠=황미현 기자] Rookie idol group iKON’s debut warm-up single “MY TYPE” is not only taking the No.1 on charts for two consecutive days from its release, but also creating sensation with the music video.

iKON’s “MY TYPE” is sweeping top places on charts upon its release on the 15 at midnight, and proving its explosive popularity by staying in the No.1 place on seven charts: Melon, Olleh, Bugs, Genie, NAVER Music, Monkey 3, and Soribada, as of the 16 at 8am.

“MY TYPE”’s music video that well shows iKON’s cheerful and young image has also surpassed two million views on YouTube within a day from its release, and is recording 2,218,287 views at 8am, showing a rapid increase in the number of views.

The music video is drawing a big popularity in foreign countries, too. As of the 16 at 8am, “MY TYPE” is in the No.1 place on iTunes chart of four countries: Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Plus, iKON took the No.1 on the top topic key-word chart of China’s biggest social media Weibo. The hashtag of the English title of iKON’s new song “#MYTYPE#” also recorded 33 million views, showing how big popularity iKON is already enjoying in China.

YG singers including TABLO, LEE HI, and LEE SU HYUN sent congratulatory message to iKON for their debut. On the 15, TABLO congratulated iKON’s debut by Twitting “Congratulations. I know you’ve been doing your best. Go iKON!!” LEE HI and AKMU’s LEE SU HYUN also sent congratulatory messages to iKON, posting photos showing them streaming “MY TYPE” and messages such as “You should try ‘MY TYPE’”, “SHOWTIME!!! The song has finally released! Congrats!” on their Instagram.

Meanwhile, iKON who has made a successful debut will release “DEBUT HALF ALBUM ‘WELCOME BACK’” on October 1 and “DEBUT FULL ALBUM ‘WELCOME BACK’” on November 2, to begin their performance in earnest. Plus, iKON’s debut concert “SHOWTIME” will be held on October 3 at the Olympic Gymnastics Hall in Seoul.

2015. 9. 16.