[Exclusive] 2NE1 Politely Declines to Participate in Music Awards
[TV리포트=김예나 기자] 2NE1 announced that they will not be attending any music awards that are to be held in 2014.
2NE1 actively carried out their career since releasing their album “CRUSH” in February. It swept across the Korean music industry immediately after the release, and the title “COME BACK HOME” also won a trophy on a music program.
But 2NE1 will not be partaking in any music awards at the end of the year. Since BOM halting all promotions from June, they are taking the time to reflect on themselves.
Personnel related to 2NE1 told TV Report, “Their music was well-received since their album release. So many music awards are contacting them, but they politely declined. It is a huge honor to be invited to such events, but they made the decision to actually reflect on themselves and halt all music activities for now.”
They added, “CL will be making a debut early next year. American personnel are visiting Seoul to see her and they are working on recording. After CL’s entering of the US market, 2NE1 will also make a comeback as a whole.”
Some criticized BOM for partaking in YG Family concerts outside the country. The personnel explained, “The structure only allows all 4 2NE1 members to be on stage. It is not jus their performance, but their stage is complete with visual effects, which cannot be done without BOM’s presence.”
“YG Family concert is a promise with the audience. BOM will perform as promised. But she will refrain from promoting in Korea. She will come back with a more matured self, after reflecting on herself.”
2014. 10. 24.