PSY’s perfect timing: 2 billion hits + new song release
[OSEN=선미경 기자] As PSY’s “GANGNAM STYLE” attracts 2 billion hits, for the first time in the history of YouTube, his upcoming new song “HANGOVER” is being showered in spotlight. The breaking of the record came at a perfect timing—expectations for his new song is only heightening.
On May 31 at noon, the video clip hit 2 billion views, and on June 1 at 10 am it recorded 2.163 billion views. And so PSY breaks the world record, maintaining the unbeatable rank.
Released on July 15 in 2012, “GANGNAM STYLE” attracted 1 billion views on Dec 22 the same year, becoming the most watched video in the shortest period of time. Last April on the 6th, it surpassed 1.5 billion views, and in just 3 months and a bit, PSY broke his own record by attracting 2 billion views. As the viewer rate is still climbing, one can expect another record change in the future.
The follow-up “GENTLEMAN,” released last year on April 13, is also running towards hitting 700 million views. This was the most-watched video on YouTube in 2013. At 10 am, the number stands at 689.3 million views.
The celebratory news on “GANGNAM STYLE” has not only been spotlighted in Korea but also abroad through foreign press like Billboard, UPI and AFP. At an interview with America’s TMZ, PSY commented, “I don’t remember when, but when it hit 1 million views, I thought, ‘How did I do this?’”
Foreign media are showing great interest in PSY’s L.A. promotion of his new song “HANGOVER.” It arouses attention because not only Snoop Dogg, the American hiphop legend collaborated with him, but also because PSY will be rapping this time. Just like he did with “GANGNAM STYLE” and “GENTLEMAN,” the PSY-like B-class sentiment, many are expecting PSY to leave them awe-struck with his uniqueness in the upcoming “HANGOVER.”
All eyes are on PSY who rose to global stardom with one viral song, to see what he can show us with the complete hiphop “HANGOVER” together with Snoop Dogg this time.
2014. 6. 1.