[STARCAST] “FROM TOP,” taking a peek into the youthful days of T.O.P at age 27
[네이버 스타캐스트] The best cuts selected by photographer Hong Jang Hyun from T.O.P’s pictorial records “FROM TOP”
It is T.O.P’s pictorial record created after spending a week in New York last December with photographer Hong Jang Hyun. Already 8 years since his debut: BIGBANG’s T.O.P, musician T.O.P and actor Choi Seung Hyun—he has lived a life of competition under these titles. Photographer Hong generously captured the youthful days of the 27-year-old T.O.P that are not seen in any movies or performances. Stylish suits, shirts, and T.O.P’s unique ambience. Let us look into the best shots of alluring and mesmerizing T.O.P, personally chosen by photographer himself, and into why these are his top photos.

Just from his poses, we can tell who T.O.P is.
These postures surely belong to T.O.P, taken in a setting with a vintage feel. Without a powerful gaze or a made-up pose, T.O.P emanates his elegance. But he can transform this ambience into a playful or chic one in a blink of an eye.

A finger can change everything: T.O.P’s “hand” acting is enough to build curiosity

A photo that carries the thoughts of youth. Let us look into a piece of T.O.P’s heart that he wants to reveal.

Expressing complex feelings through facial expression and poses. What is on his mind?
He conveys his emotions through his facial expression and poses. The black-and-white photo of T.O.P from a different angle is as unfamiliar as the outsider of New York himself. It is like a scene from a movie.

Comfortable expressions and an uncontaminated smile
Minimized make-up and styling: Choi Seung Hyun as a person. When asked to express candidness by Hong, T.O.P immediately unveiled comfort in his face.

A challenging gaze directed at the camera
A confident expression that looks directly at the camera. Hong selected this one as he was drawn into T.O.P’s challenging yet sorrowful and alluring expression.

His presence in the snow catches attention.
An extremely cold day, T.O.P even had to borrow thermal underwear for this shot. It has been tough, but the snow made the photograph more artistic. His lonesome presence in the snow adds a feel of isolation.
Youthful T.O.P at the age of 27 emits a more matured yet unique aura. There are ample features only T.O.P owns, just like what he said: “I wanted to capture my current self, at the age of 27.” If you want to know more about the records of the 27-year-old T.O.P documented by photographer Hong, visiting T.O.P’s exhibition to be held from June 4 is highly recommended. T.O.P, despite his extremely busy schedules for filmmaking and performances, is keen to reveal a more truthful side of himself. You can look forward to a very new side of T.O.P here.
글 = 홍장현, YG엔터테인먼트