YG’s founder YANG HYUN-SUK leaves everything to TAEYANG for solo album producing

2013-07-16 03:58 pm


[SBS E! 연예뉴스 l 이정아 기자] Many wonder how TAEYANG’s solo album production is going.
YANG HYUN-SUK, the founder of YG Entertainment, posted an entry on FROM YG of YG LIFE blog on July 15 to update the fans with TAEYANG’s news.
He wrote, “To make it an album in which he can be completely satisfied with, TAEYANG himself is in charge of everything related to album production.”
He added, “Unlike G-DRAGON who has an experience of being fully in charge of producing BIGBANG’s entire albums and his own solo album, it’s the first time for TAEYANG to be producing on his own, so it may take him some time. But we believe that the hardship will reap a fruit for his career and that the skills gained will aid him in many ways for the rest of his music life.”
For the last few years, TAEYANG has been working not only with the main producers but also been travelling to the United States several times to work with world-renowned songwriters.
On the album release date, YANG said, “Just a few days ago we completed the track list of about 10 songs for his 2nd regular album, so there will be no change in plan for releasing it in September.”
In July 2010, TAEYANG released his 1st solo album titled SOLAR. At the time, TAEYANG fully exhibited his musical talents in his R&B dance title song “I NEED A GIRL.”


2013. 7. 15.