‘Stage K’, The Honor of Performing ‘LOVE SCENARIO’ with iKON Goes to Team US

2019-04-15 08:53 am

[해럴드POP=이소진 기자] iKON were the second dream stars of JTBC’s ‘Stage K’ aired on the 14th. After iKON’s special stage, challengers from 4 countries who have passed the preliminaries entered. 7 dance academy teacher and students from the US, 4 boys from Japan with an average age of 14.5, Miko Wai from Poland, and 8 dance crew members from France. The French team were the first runners to perform on stage. They had to practice on the streets with water bottles since they did not have a training room. One member got ill on the day of the shooting, but they all got on stage. iKON’s B.I made a favorable comment on the changed choreography, and Saha felt grateful that he noticed something the team had worked hard on. Team Japan were the second to perform on stage. Team Japan, composed of young boys, showed their lust for being no. 1 by practicing hard even during break time. The Japanese challengers got on stage with iKON’s ‘BEAUTIFUL’. The audience were surprised at their outer appearances. After their stage was complete, the fans of iKON yelled, “Let’s make debut!”. SONG reviewed, “I saw star potential from Keijyu”. Keijyu then made the crowd cheer with his finger heart.

The third was Miko Wai from Poland. Miko Wai was active as a member of a Polish dance team and was the only male member. The members congratulated him on the news that he made it to Stage K and will be headed to Korea. Miko Wai performed ‘GOODBYE ROAD’. His nose started to bleed as soon as he was done performing. He listened to the evaluations while smiling after wiping his nose and getting right back on stage. He stated that all of his stress feels gone after the performance, and that he could perform better if he had a second chance. The last was the US team. As teacher and students, the teacher stated that there is nothing he has to teach anymore, since the students are perfect. They performed ‘BLING BLING’. After watching the performance while standing up, B.I stated, “This is the stage I wanted to present, I think they’re better than us”.

Finally, it was time to vote. With 1 point per audience, 20 points per K-leaders, 10 points per global interpreters, and 30 points per dream star, the team with the most votes will enter the finals. As a result of the audience voting, US won 90 votes, France won 46 votes, Japan won 29 votes, and Poland won 18 votes. The global interpreters provoked outrage by only voting for their own country. 2 of the K-leaders votes went to France, 1 vote went to the US, while 1 went to Japan. Lastly, it was time for the dream stars. CHAN voted for Poland, DK for France, BOBBY for Poland, B.I for US, JAY for France, JU-NE for US, and SONG voted for Japan. US was placed at no. 1 with 180 points, while France won 156 points. iKON visited the waiting rooms of the dropout teams and told them they did well. After iKON left, the challengers shed tears. The song to perform for the finals was ‘KILLING ME’. The point move was presented by JAY. JAY got on stage himself and presented the point move. Team US got on stage right after that. They changed the latter half of the choreography. The interpreters scores were 3:1 on US and France. The K-leaders had the same score. iKON had to make the final decision. With a score of 6:1, team US became the winners of Stage K. The final score for France was in the 100s, while the score for team US was in the 400s. Lastly, team US and iKON were to perform ‘LOVE SCENARIO’ together.

2019. 4. 15.