iKON’s Interview with US Billboard “Starting an Overseas Tour… Also Working on a New Album”

2018-08-24 12:33 pm

[엑스포츠뉴스=전아람 기자] US Billboard revealed their exclusive interview with iKON.

On August 23 (local time), iKON shared thoughts on making comeback with their new song ‘KILLING ME’, choreography highlight points, favorite tracks by each member, and their plains for the future.

iKON stated, “It’s not easy releasing 2 albums within a year. But we made it, and we feel blessed”. 

On the question ‘Which member would you like if you were in the fan club ‘iKONIC’’, JU-NE selected SONG and responded, “He’s a person with a positive mind and attitude”. JAY selected CHAN and explained, “He’s taller than me”. 

On their plans for the remaining 2018, iKON replied, “We’re starting an overseas tour. We’re also working on a new album”. They added, “We are planning to continue communicating with the fans through variety program appearances”.

The members said goodbyes by stating, “We’ll be visiting cities where we’ve never held a tour before. Please show us a lot of love and support”.

Following their concert in Seoul on August 18, iKON will visit Taipei on September 22, Kuala Lumpur on October 13, Bangkok from October 19~20, Singapore on November 4, Manila on November 11, Jakarta on November 18, and Hong Kong on November 25. They will visit a total of 8 cities, while new locations will be added on and announced additionally.

People are wondering if iKON will continue to set milestones not only in the K-Pop scene, but also in the global music industry. 

2018. 8. 24.