‘MIXNINE’ YANG HYUN SUK Evaluates JYP Trainees… Contestants in Shambles [Full Analysis]
[스포츠조선닷컴=홍민기 기자] High-level contestants showed up in ‘MIXNINE’.
The second episode of JTBC’s ‘MIXNINE’ presented the follow-up entertainment agency tour story.
YANG HYUN SUK and ZION. T visited RBW Entertainment, the agency that had the greatest number of contestants. YANG HYUN SUK gave harsh reviews stating, “200th place out of 400 contestants. That’s the reality.” In front of exhausted judges, high-level contestants showed up. Kim Youngseo, Cho Yuri, Lee Jaejun, Lee Gunmin, Kim Youngjo, Lee Yesol, and Kim Sungeun passed the audition. Kim Youngseo even made it to the debut group bus. YANG HYUN SUK praised Kim Youngseo stating she is a “born talent”. Jung Ye-Eun had to leave the debut group bus as Kim Youngseo took her place.
In MOLE Entertainment, an idol group ‘Real Girls Project’ took the audition. Kim Sori, a member of the group explained as she prepared for her individual performance, “We debuted as a group called ‘Cocosori’, and we even released our second single”. YANG HYUN SUK directly replied, “And then the group failed?”, making Kim Sori flustered. Kim Sori added, “It’s my last challenge. I still have energy for that” and went on with her performance. YANG HYUN SUK praised her saying “You did well”. All four members of Real Girls Project (Kim Sori, Yukika, Heo Youngjoo, Lee Ye-Eun) passed the audition. YANG HYUN SUK stated, “I felt all the members praying for each other every time one of them was singing. It was very touching”, while explaining why they all passed.
Regarding ONO Entertainment’s Lee Youngchae, YANG HYUN SUK stated, “She doesn’t have a good impression in terms of personality, but I decided to give her a chance since she has talent”.
In Choeun Entertainment, Lee Changsun got on the trainee bus, and Kim Jinhong boarded the debut group bus.
The next audition was in Blockberry Creative. Members of LOONA 1/3, Cheon Heejin and Kim Hyunjin passed the audition.
As YANG HYUN SUK and Zion. T visited Mystic Entertainment’s main office building, they pointed out “We made YOON sing ‘Instinctively’ some time ago. His musical tendency doesn’t really fit”, making people burst in laughter. YANG HYUN SUK met Yoon Jongshin and threw a joke, “If someone sings songs like ‘Like It’, I’ll definitely give them a fail”, and Yoon Jongshin responded “I sing that song”.
The two judges continued the audition in WM Entertainment. ONF participated, performing a perfect group dance. Kim Hyojin, who made his presence through performing ‘JUST DANCE’, sang Ali’s ‘ZIUGAE’. YANG HYUN SUK highly praised him stating, “I feel like watching SE7EN at a young age”. All members of ONF passed the audition. Yuto, Lee Changyoon, Park Minkyun, Kim Minseok, and Shim Jaeyoung got on the trainee bus while Kim Hyojin and Lee Seungjun boarded the debut group bus.
Park Joon Hyung of god was waiting for the judges at the Sidus HQ building. Park Joon Hyung said he knows ZION. T and yelled “Seongsu Bridge”, making people laugh. Out of all contestants, Lee Hyangsook made it to the trainee bus.
Kim Byung-kwan, Kim Se-yoon, and Lee Donghoon of Beat Interactive’s A.C.E took the audition without 2 members that participated in another audition program and showed off their talents. Lee Donghoon took the debut group bus while Kim Byung-kwan and Kim Se-yoon boarded the debut group bus.
YANG HYUN SUK and SEUNGRI visited JYP Entertainment, an agency that’s famous for idols. Park Jin Young said YANG HYUN SUK “always lacked social skills” and YANG HYUN SUK stated, “Park Jin Young will pretend he’s working on music when I get there”, making people burst out of laughter by showing a Tom and Jerry vibe. The contestants on the bus showed a reaction mixed with admiration and concern when they saw the main building of JYP.
2017. 11. 5.