YG Announced AKMU Will Try a New Genre with LEE CHAN HYUK’s Self-written Songs
[동아닷컴-전효진 기자] Siblings duo AKMU is to make a comeback on July 20 with a new style of music.
At 12 AM on July 16, YG Entertainment posted teaser images and video that are like cut-outs from a horror movie on its official blog and SNS page.
In the teaser image, the siblings look nervous as if they are lost in a dark forest and being chased by something frightening. The video features someone pointing a flash light on a wall showing the phrase “WHO’S THERE”.
AKMU has released a series of teasers that imply AKMU will make a comeback with music that the group has never tried before.
Until now, there is no information about the title of AKMU’s new song and what the subject of fear is in AKMU’s teasers and how it is going to be revealed. Fans are guessing that “WHO’S THERE” has something to do with the title of AKMU’s new song.
As always, AKMU’s new songs will be written and composed by LEE CHAN HYUK. He is known for interpreting even the most trivial things about life in a new witty way. The new album will show LEE CHAN HYUK’s broader musical spectrum, improved skills, and new level of uniqueness. In addition, it will be a chance to see a new side of AKMU as a group.
AKMU is currently getting ready for its comeback, and the group will round off its four-month tour with its concert in Goyang on July 22.
2017. 7 .16.