[Last Night’s Stories] iKON was like a Time Bomb Gone Off on Oppa Thinking

2017-07-16 09:09 am

[엑스포츠뉴스=원민순 기자] iKON revealed their true selves.

On July 15th episode of MBC’s Oppa Thinking, iKON‘s B.I, BOBBY, and JU-NE came on the show as guests and showed off their sense of humor.

Even from the beginning of the show, iKON members made unexpected remarks and left the hosts totally off guard. They were honest and frank.  

JU-NE was sure that iKON can do well on variety shows and said, “I think that we are like time bombs for variety shows. We’re like rugby balls.” B.I said, “If we bounce off the wrong way, then you can edit that part out.”

JU-NE was the one that had a special talent for variety shows. He did an impersonation of G-DRAGON, SEUNGRI, YANG HYUN SUK, Han Suk-kyu, and Kwon Sang-woo.

There was a segment in the show that was titled “Hope You Two Get Close” for BOBBY and JU-NE. It turned out that the two of them were the least close members within the team. B.I even said, “They are so awkward together that it almost seems as if one of them confessed his love to the other.”

BOBBY and JU-NE held hands and looked at one another. They seemed to be really awkward, but they tried to thank each other. At one point, BOBBY said, “I’m your fan”, and the bromance between them reached its peak.

iKON members were funny but also easily scared. They had to do a horror segment that they thought was a search for their ideal types. They were so scared that they let go of their cool and charismatic stage personas.

Because they had seen so many ghosts, BOBBY and JU-NE couldn’t even talk properly. Lee Kyu-han laughed seeing them like this and said, “Are you guys drunk?” B.I made everyone in the studio laugh by making meaningless sounds and stupid gestures. 

2017. 7. 16.