ONE – Music video shooting for debut single album
Who is this guy? Even the back of his head looks so handsome.
On July 11, ONE’s first single album is finally released.
Only one day to go until the release of ONE’s debut album! You can peek into the shooting of the music video for ONE’s debut album!
YG has been carrying out an unusual promotion for ONE, releasing more than one contents a day.
Today, undisclosed still cuts taken at ONE’s music video shooting are unveiled on NAVER POST.
Let’s check them out!
As those who saw the teaser film for ONE’s debut album would already know,
‘Gettin’ by’ is a song of appealing lyrics that can resonate with anyone.
ONE is playing basketball or riding skateboard,
To shoot scenes in which he spends a lonely time alone!
ONE’s calm expression of feelings of missing the past love while spending ordinary days leaves a deep impression.
The photos express a warm feeling,
But actually, the weather was so cold during the shooting that lasted overnight.
However, according to insiders, ONE never stopped smiling and did his very best for every moment of the shooting!
The second day of the music video shooting for “Gettin’ by” has come.
Even though ONE worked overnight on the previous day, he still looks perfect.
The shooting must have been so hard,
But ONE did his best to maintain the bright atmosphere at the shooting, playing jokes with the staff.
Big applause for him.
ONE is checking his acting on the monitor.
It is the shooting of the music video of “heyahe”, which has a feel totally different from that of “Gettin’ by”.
ONE’s handsome face seems to be outstanding even when he is just standing still.
You can clearly see the mood of ‘heyahe’ is totally different from that of ‘Gettin’ by’.
ONE’s face is working hard even while he is resting.
ONE is working hard for the music video shooting, exchanging his opinions with the director.
Along with the images of ONE’s music video shooting that you have just seen,
We’re showing you the teaser films of the music video of “Gettin’ by” and “heyahe”, too!
Please look forward to and enjoy
“Gettin’ by” and “heyahe” of ONE’s debut album to be released on July 11!
2017. 7. 10.