YG Unveils New Unit on Nov 11: Another Teaser Revealed

2014-11-02 01:32 am


[OSEN=김사라기자In the midst of growing rumors about YG’s new girl group for the last few years, the music industry is alerted by the “New Unit” that will be unveiled on Nov 11. As YG’s new artists who made a debut recently–LEE HI, AKDONG MUSICIAN and WINNER—swept across the music industry, other agencies are apparently considering changing their strategy.

Another poster that was unveiled at midnight of Nov 1 attracted even more attention. Following the teaser released just the day before, this one also features a young beautiful girl, her face still under veil.

The girl in the picture is holding a snack box that reads “New Unit” with strawberries printed on it, hinting the debut. The ÷ sign next the image reminds us of the + sign shown on an image of a woman wearing a see-through black top, unveiled on Nov 1. The previous teaser also had the same snack box, which hints that there are two or more in this unit.

There are 2 girls in the group for sure, as the two different images show. But whether “New Unit” consists of 2 or 3 or 4, this is kept the top secret even within YG.

The first teaser came out on Nov 27, the second followed on Nov 29 with the caption “1+1” and the third one had the caption “WHO’S NEXT.” And this is the latest of the series.

The reason fans and related people are keeping an eye on YG’s comeback date is because their influence is simply enormous. In fact, since BIGBANG’s debut, the success rate of YG artists is almost 100%. This year is a proof, as 2NE1, AKDONG MUSICIAN and TAEYANG’s solo were a huge hit.

That’s not the end. WINNER from “WIN” also swept across all charts immediately after their album release, and their little brother iKON will be out early next year. iKON, whose popularity skyrocketed through MIX & MATCH, already has an incredible fan base overseas.

It is no surprise that the entire music industry is alerted by YG’s announcement to introduce a new group, considering all the successful paths they paved this year.

2014. 11. 2.