BOBBY on MIX & MATCH: Full of Fresh Cuteness + Quirky + Unexpected Charms
[TV리포트=하수나기자] BOBBY’s comical photos are making many crack up.
Aired on Oct 23, Mnet’s MIX & MATCH featured the fans who enjoyed their time with the fans from Japan, China and Korea.
At the fan-meeting in Korea, the members unveiled their selfies and comical photos to the fans.
BOBBY stood out most by showing his photos from the past. The face of a mischievous boy and the fresh charms certainly made the fans happy. But the comical photos that followed were what made the fans crack up in laughter. The fans loved it when he showed a photo of himself with thickly painted eyebrows.
MIX & MATCH is a survival program designed by YG to form a new boy group. B.I, BOBBY and KIM JINHWAN are fixed members while the others SONG YUNHYEONG, KIM DONGHYUK, KOO JUNHOE, JUNG JINHYUNG, JUNG CHANWOO and YANG HONGSEOK need to compete against each other for the 4 open spots to become the members of iKON.
2014. 10. 24.