TABLO, next artist to cover TAEYANG’s “EYES, NOSE, LIPS”
[엑스포츠뉴스=한인구 기자] EPIK HIGH’s TABLO is to be the second artist to cover TAEYANG’s “EYES, NOSE, LIPS.”
YG Entertainment uploaded an image of TABLO on its official blog ( at 4 pm on June 24, hinting the upcoming cover. TABLO is looking lonely in the black-and-white photograph, sitting on a chair alone.
The phrase “LYRICS BY TABLO, REMIX BY DJ TUKUTZ, ORIGINAL SONG PERFORMED BY TAEYANG” explains what we can expect. Many are excited to see a newly born remix version of TAEYANG’s title track created by TABLO and DJ TUKUTZ.
TABLO has been known for conveying meaningful messages through his unique style of poetic and in-depth lyrics. Expectations are building up about what he will show us this time.
On June 16, AKDONG MUSICIAN aroused much attention with their cover of TAEYANG’s song, showcasing their unique style through LEE CHAN HYUK’s rapping and LEE SOO HYUN’s crystal clear voice. TABLO will add on to the sensation by brining in a whole new version of “EYES, NOSE, LIPS.”
The song is a slow R&B song that maximizes TAEYANG’s sentimental voice. After 4 weeks of its release, it is still popular among the crowd. Apart from knocking down all domestic real-time, daily and weekly charts immediately after its release, the song also ranked #112 on America’s Billboard 200, breaking the record for a South Korean male artist. He received a total of 6 trophies on 4 TV music programs as well.
TABLO’s version of “EYES, NOSE, LIPS” is scheduled to be unveiled on June 25 at 9 pm.
2014. 6. 24.