Yang Hyun Suk Established “MUJU YG Foundation” and Donated ₩1 Billion

2014-05-20 11:42 am

[마이데일리 = 전원 기자] YG Entertainment’s head producer Yang Hyun Suk has established YG Foundation to help children and teenagers from low-income families and donated ₩1 billion from his personal fortune to the foundation.

On the 20 this month, YG Entertainment announced that YG established “MUJU YG Foundation”, to celebrate the 18th anniversary of the company. The foundation has long been on the list of head producer Yang Hyun Suk’s cherished ambitions.

“MUJU” in “MUJU YG Foundation” means “no staying” and “no owner”. It has a meaning that YG pursues change and innovation endlessly, for the present and future. Yang’s strong resolution to help teenagers and children who need helping hands has given birth to the foundation.

Yang Hyun Suk said, “I’m very glad that this foundation has been established now and I can actually make donations”. He also promised to make donations continuously through the foundation.

Meanwhile, “YG Foundation” submitted an application for permission of non-profit organization to the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family last year, and recently, the registration has been completed. Therefore, an effective and systematic aid project can be carried out by YG now. Plus, YG Foundation will support adolescents faced with difficulties, as well as contribute to treatment, rehabilitation, and tuition for children and teenager from broken families, by utilizing Yang Hyun Suk’s donation.

Furthermore, the foundation will actively spread donating culture in connection with “YG WITH”, which is a charity program for YG and YG artists.

YG has been actively engaged in social contribution activities for a long time, even before the establishment of the foundation.

“YG WITH Campaign” which started from SEAN-JUNG HYE YOUNG couple’s consistent charity activities and spread to voluntary participation of BIGBANG, 2NE1, etc. in 2009 and “Dream Gift” campaign to help cardio patients in cooperation with Yonsei Severance Hospital are part of YG’s silent efforts to practice noblesse oblige.

2014. 5. 20.