2014-03-15 10:51 am

[조이뉴스24=이미영기자] “Our goal was to break the mold rather than topping music charts. We feel like we have undertaken a big challenge.”

On March 14, YG Entertainment’s girl group 2NE1 held a press conference for the release of the second album “CRUSH” and expressed their opinion on the album’s success at the Conrad Hotel in Yeouido, Seoul.


2NE1 once again showed off their undiminished power with their second album “CRUSH.” 2NE1 topped all of the music charts in Korea with their double title tracks, “Come Back Home” and “Gotta Be You.” With their second album, on March 15, 2NE1 debuted on the Billboard 200, the main album chart of the U.S.’ Billboard, as No. 61, ranking the highest among Korean singers.

During the interview, 2NE1 said, “Since it has been a long time since we released a regular album, we didn’t link our album’s success to the Billboard Chart. It was a sweet and unexpected surprise for us because we gave our all preparing for the new album.”

Aside from topping all music charts, the satisfaction level of 2NE1 members toward the album is higher than ever. “It took four years for our second regular album to be released. We came out of our comfort zones and challenged ourselves musically as well, so we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished. We believe it is a good start as well as a bonus since we are getting positive response from many fans,” said 2NE1.

2NE1 also added, “Although it is important to rank No. 1 in music charts, our goal was to break the mold among ourselves with the new album. We feel like we’ve undertaken a big challenge.” On the success and meaning of their second album, 2NE1 said, “we focused on leaving as many marks of 2NE1 as possible. Even though it may seem like a short period of time, we’ve been singing and performing for six years, taking on big challenges, so we believe time will roll even faster from now. We would like to continue singing and performing as if we’re leaving 2NE1’s marks.”

2NE1 has been maintaining their place at the top by continuously changing and challenging themselves. They thought hard to bring changes while keeping 2NE1’s identity, and the fans gladly accepted 2NE1’s maturation.

“We wanted to keep our true identity as 2NE1. Each of us wants to try different things on our own, whether that is something shocking or feminine. We have different styles and personalities, which are our biggest merit. We wanted to show the fans that ‘this is 2NE1’ and ‘2NE1 can do various types of music,'” said 2NE1.

As for the obsession for change, 2NE1 explained, “We realized that the answer is to be true to ourselves, rather than feeling pressure. We tried to be frank and show the fans our true selves. I believe we would’ve looked awkward if we forced ourselves to do something that we are not in order to emphasize our styles.” They added, “We tried to do what we like with sincerity, rather than worrying.”

2NE1, who debuted six years ago, confessed that they felt anxious waiting for their second regular album to be released. However, members have become more close to one another with stronger teamwork.

2NE1 also said, “Our mini album ‘I’m The Best’ came out three years ago. We didn’t release a regular album for two years and only performed with three different single songs last year. We wanted the album to be perfect, so perhaps that’s why it took a while, to make a satisfactory and great album. We grew impatient because we were eager to sing and perform in front of our fans. It was a long fight against ourselves because we couldn’t sing and perform like we desperately wanted to.”

2NE1 expressed their love for one another, saying, “Before, we would’ve just waited for the next album to be completed, but this time, we wrote the songs ourselves and actively participated in the making of it, which made us to become more energetic. We became to appreciate each other more and grew closer.”

Meanwhile, 2NE1 is making TV appearances with their double title tracks, “Come Back Home” and “Gotta Be You,” and they will meet with fans overseas through their second world tour, “ALL OR NOTHING.”

2014. 3. 15.