[WIN FINAL] What was it like? 3 major features that differ from a concert
“It was like 11 of us having a concert… I feel happy.” (B.I.)
[OSEN=박현민 기자] At the final battle of ‘WIN’, there was this enthusiasm which goes beyond that of a concert. The 11 members from Teams A and B with extraordinary talents possessed something that stood neck-and-neck with professional artists, and the fans who are besotted with their amazing performances filled the venue with heated response using placards and cheering.
The 2-hour final battle of ‘WHO IS NEXT: WIN’, YG Entertainment’s real survival program to determine the formation of the next boy group, was held at Seoul Bangi-dong Olympic Park’s SK Olympic Handball Arena on Oct 25 from 9 p.m.
On the day, a total of 6 performances showcased by the members of Teams A and B were simply astonishing—it was like being a part of a concert. Now we are going to delve into the 3 major aspects that are different to the features of a concert.
# There’s cheering but no ganged-singing
The fans filled the Arena with their cheering, and the placards created a wave of vivid colors. The fandom that was already shown at WIN’s ‘High Touch Event’ was once again present at the final battle.
However, there was no so-called ganged-singing where every audience sings along the songs being performed. It was perhaps because the songs were not revealed in advance since it is a battle, but also because it was the most important battle for the Teams, so even the fans held their breath to pay undivided attention on the actual performances.
# Cameramen walking across the stage blocking the view… what a shame
There are cameramen at concerts too, because the cameras capture scenes from the show for those fans who were unable to make it to the actual concert. But usually these cameramen would try their best to film while staying outside of the viewing frame of the audience.
But ‘WIN’ was different. To deliver the performances to the viewers watching the live show at home, cameramen frequently came up on stage to film the show, just like what cameramen do on music programs. This was necessary to catch everything from each members’ expressions to their movement, making the filmed result evermore lively. Unfortunately the audience at the Arena could not selectively see just the 11 members, but they also had to be interrupted by the cameramen.
# YG Family’s evaluation + Members’ self-PR
Every performance was followed by the evaluation of YG Family members. Starting from the founder of YG, Yang Hyun Suk to BIGBANG, EPIK HIGH and 2NE1, YG’s artists praised the excellent performances of Teams A and B with their thumbs up. This is of course not something that can be seen at concerts.
After their performances, the 11 members ardently engaged in promoting themselves, instead of being complacent. Self-PR is vital because the fate is dependent on the viewers, thus the need to appeal to them. They unleashed every bit of their charm to win the votes of the viewers.
But apart from this, the most prominent emotions at the finale battle of ‘WIN’ were a hint of sadness and being touched, and the painful crossroad between happiness and lament. Team A won, leaving Team B to lose, but despite the result, all 11 members hugged each other in tears. This was something that could never be felt at a concert, the extreme end of being moved by the entire experience.
2013. 10. 25.