“iKON’s World”, The Goal iKON Aims For [PICTORIAL]

[스포츠조선닷컴=이지현 기자] iKON, the group who won the Song of the Year award with ‘LOVE SCENARIO’, which became a ‘national hit song’, met Nylon, the fashion magazine.
After releasing the repackage album titled ‘NEW KIDS REPACKAGE: THE NEW KIDS’ on the 7th, iKON had a good start by dominating various music charts with the song ‘I’M OK’. They have been selected as the cover models for the February edition of Nylon magazine.
In the pictorial shooting scene with both classic and funk moods, the members presented their beagle-like beauties and their aspects as pro pictorial models. They revealed their current whereabouts, honest thoughts as musicians, and as individuals on the interview that followed.
When asked about last year’s success, BOBBY shared words of gratitude by stating, “We became the ‘elementary school presidents’. We were able to let more people know about iKON, thanks to the love we received through ‘LOVE SCENARIO’”. JAY shared his thoughts by stating, “We received the Song of the Year award. Even though we received the award last year during the year-end, it’s still unbelievable that we received that title”.
On the goal iKON aims for, the members responded, ‘iKON’s world’. They revealed their sincere will to establish iKON’s own unique style, different from that of others.
The pictorial cuts and full interview will be available through the February edition of Nylon. The video that contains the iconic time spent with the seven men will be revealed through Nylon TV.
2019. 1. 17.