YG’s YANG HYUN SUK Posts a Heart Sign for Nam Tae Hyun Saying He is Listening to “Hug Me”
[OSEN=최나영 기자] YG Entertainment head YANG HYUN SUK posts a heart sign for Nam Tae Hyun, who has recently debuted as a solo musician.
In the morning of May 27, YANG HYUN SUK posted an image on his SNS page that shows he is playing online Nam Tae Hyun’s new song “Hug Me”. The image shows that he liked the song and was hashtagged with #Nam Tae Hyun @souththth #southclub #HUGME #NEWSINGLE #OUTNOW #checkthisout and a thumb up emoticon to show his support.
It is said that YAGN HYUN SUK wishes the best for Nam Tae Hyun although he left winner due to health issues. He was a member of WINNER for a long time but left the group in November last year.
Nam Tae Hyun’s band South Club pre-released a song titled “Hug Me” at 12 PM on May 26. It is a slow ballad song built on band sounds featuring Nam Tae Hyun’s charming but low sweet voice.
South Club is to release a new EP in June and put on its official debut stage at the Smile, LOve, Weekend festival. Afterwards, South Club will be doing a variety of TV and performance promotions.
2017. 5. 27.