“Swag all the way from early childhood”… Little boy G-DRAGON’s bold appeal

2017-04-27 11:25 am

[스포츠조선=김영록 기자] Group BIGBANG’s G-DRAGON boasted bold swag even in his early childhood.

On April 27, G-DRAGON posted a photo taken in his childhood on his social media account, saying “TBT”. “TBT” is a hashtag used when looking back on one’s childhood or good old days.

In the photo, little boy G-DRAGON is making a chic pose in a sleeveless shirt with the hands put on his waist, on a beach. The little boy’s sharp and brusque facial expression exactly looks like today’s G-DRAGON. Even the word “FRESH” written on his shirt feels very special.

G-DRAGON will kick off his world tour by hosting a concert in Seoul on June 10.

2017. 4. 27.