[Issue is] What Makes the Release of Self-written Solo Singles by BOBBY & SONG MIN HO so Special

2016-09-04 03:04 pm

[일간스포츠=박정선 기자] YG Entertainment’s BOBBY and SONG MIN HO will each release solo singles with only a day in between.

BOBBY will release his solo single “HOLUP!” at 12 AM on September 7. Then, SONG MIN HO will release “BODY” at 12 AM on the following day. This means that YG artists will be releasing new solo singles with only a day in between.

But the most interesting part is that the songs are solo songs that truly reflect who they are as artists.

BOBBY wrote the lyrics of “HOLUP!” and made the music together with Shockbit. SONG MIN HO also wrote the lyrics of “BODY” and co-wrote the music with FUTURE BOUNCE. Both BOBBY and SONG MIN HO will be separated from their groups for a while and perform on the stage as solo artists.

Since they will not go on the stage as groups, who perform under certain concepts and themes chosen by others, BOBBY and SONG MIN HO will each be able to show who they are as artists through their solo singles. 

YG Entertainment told Daily News, “BOBBY’s ‘HOLUP!’ is a song with a powerful beat and SONG MIN HO’s ‘BODY’ is a mystical sexy song with a slow beat.”

Some expect to see competition between the two rappers as they will be releasing new singles almost at the same time. However, YG emphasized that there won’t be any competition as “They are in different groups now, but they have been close friends for years since they were trainees. They won’t be competing against each other. Rather, they will have each other to rely on when promoting their singles.”

2016. 9. 4.