On “Old School”, SONG MINHO Says “I’ll never appear on Show Me The Money Again. But, I’d like to do Youth Over Flowers”

2016-02-22 06:45 pm

[OSEN=선미경 기자] SONG MINHO of WINNER made the audience laugh by saying “Never” when asked if he was willing to appear on Show Me The Money again.

WINNER appeared on Kim Chang Ryul’s Old School of SBS Radio Power FM on February 22.

WINNER talked about the variety shows they wanted to make appearances on. They picked Infinite Challenge and Running Man. When it was SONG MINHO’s turn, other members teased him by asking “Show Me The Money?”

He answered, “Never. Absolutely not. Never again.” He went on to say, “I’d really want to Youth Over Flowers.”

WINNER is currently actively promoting the title track of their first album – “SENTIMENTAL”.

2016. 2. 22.