After Halting Their Concert, iKON’ said, “This is the first time that something like this happened. We’re so worried.”

2015-10-03 08:44 pm

[마이데일리=전원 기자] The debut concert of YG Entertainment’s new boy group iKON was put to a halt because of some fans’ disorderly behavior.

On October 3, iKON held their debut concert “SHOWTIME” at Olympic Gymnastics Stadium in Bangi-dong, Seoul.

iKON got a roaring response from the audience, and it was hard for some people at the standing area to watch the concert. In the end, staff had to halt the concert and announce, “The concert will continue after we restore order. The concert cannot continue in a state like this.”

In fact, some fans fainted during the concert and had to be carried away by security. It took about 15 minutes to get things in order, and the concert was resumed afterwards. iKON sang “M.U.P” and “AIRPLANE” to continue the concert.

After performing the songs, BOBBY said, “Are you ok? I can’t concentrate because I’m so worried. This is the first time that something like this happened.” Then, B.I said, “We’re not here to get you hurt. I hope we can all go home safe.”

Meanwhile, following the release of their warm-up single “MY TYPE”, iKON released their debut half album “WELCOME BACK”. iKON has made one of the most successful debuts by sweeping the online charts both at home and abroad and becoming No.1 on the charts of music shows without appearing on TV.

iKON will make their first TV appearance on SBS’s Inkigayo on October 4 and start promoting their album.

2015. 10. 3.