WINNER’s “WWIC 2015” in 3 Cities of CHINA

2014-12-12 09:08 pm


[TV리포트=김예나 기자] WINNER will be holding their “WWIC 2015” in three cities in China next January.

YG unveiled the poster of “WWIC 2015” on Dec 12. The members of WINNER are dressed in suits, looking into the camera.

The poster indicates the time and place of “WWIC 2015” that is to be held in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. On January 10th they will be in Beijing’s “WORKER’S GYMNASIUM”, 17th on Shanghai’s “GRAND STAGE” and on 24th in Shenzhen’s “BAO’AN GYMNASIUM” to meet the local fans.

Through their teaser image uploaded earlier, WINNER hinted a fan meeting to be held with their fan club INNER CIRCLE.

2014. 12. 12.