YANG Confident of YG UNIT HI SUHYUN’s Charms

2014-11-07 05:37 pm


[TV리포트=김예나 기자] YG Entertainment’s new unit is coming out soon. Consisted of two teenage girls, LEE HI and LEE SUHYUN, music fans and the Executive Producer YANG HYUN SUK have very high expectations for them.

At midnight of Nov 11, LEE HI and LEE SUHYUN will be making a debut with their single “I’M DIFFERENT.” Both discovered on “K-Pop Star,” the two have been like sisters since they joined YG.

The two girls possess completely different tones of voice and did different genres. However, their difference can be an incredible source of synergy effect this time.

Before the name HI SUHYUN came up, the two were called “the 3’s.” Aged 19 and 16, LEE HI and LEE SUHYUN were in high school and middle school respectively. They were already well-received by people around them for their unique charms.

YANG’s expectation for the new unit is beyond what people think. He first seemed concerned as the two girls run at the opposite spectrums in terms of their voices, but as they produced “I’M DIFFERENT,” the two voices came in perfect harmony. As YANG is highly satisfied with the song, they may continue on promotion as a unit.

YG’s personnel commented, “The outcome is much better than expected. If they are well-received by the general public, then they may continue on with this.”

The new unit HI SUHYUN will kick off their promotion when they release the song at midnight on Nov 11.

2014. 11. 7.