YANG HYUN SUK in “MIX & MATCH” Announced Losers of Pre-Match… “JUNG JIN HYEONG & YANG HONG SEOK”
[텐아시아 송수빈 인턴기자] YANG HYUN SUK in cable channel Mnet’s “MIX & MATCH” announced the losers of the pre-match.
In “MIX & MATCH” aired on the 1 this month, pre-match performances of BOBBY’s team, JIN HWAN’s team, and B.I’s team were displayed.
After the performance, YANG said, “Among KIM DONG HYUK, KOO JUN HOE, JUNG JIN HYEONG, and YANG HONG SEOK, two will fail”. Because KIM DONG HYUK and KOO JUN HOE have practiced longer than the other two, they were more disappointed to hear that they were in the list of losers.
YANG said, “JUNG JIN HYEONG and YANG HONG SEOK are the losers”. But he soon added that they were not actually dropping out of the show because the match was a mock test and the failure will be an opportunity for them to grow further. So, B.I, BOBBY, JIN HWAN, SONG YUN HYEONG, JUNG CHAN WOO, KOO JUN HOE, and KIM DONG HYUK have become the winner of the pre-match.
2014. 10. 3.