YANG HYUN SUK Says, “’MIX & MATCH’ Will Be Harsher Than ‘WIN’”
[TV리포트=김가영 기자] YG Entertainment’s head producer YANG HYUN SUK explained about “MIX & MATCH”, saying that it “will be harsher”.
A press meeting that announces production of Mnet “MIX & MATCH” was held on the 2, at Grand Ballroom of Conrad Hotel located in Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul. YANG attended the press meeting to explain about the program.
YANG said, “I promised with the public to disband or change the member of the losing team of ‘WIN’. I have put a lot of thoughts in how I should change and rearrange TEAM B, for the past year”.
Then, he went on to say, “I made six members debut through ‘WIN’ show aired a year ago. Now, we are creating new program ‘MIX & MATCH. People said ‘WIN’ was harsh, but ‘MIX & MATCH’ will be even harsher than that”.
YANG explained, “Two out of nine candidates will fail. Winners of ‘WIN’ battle were 100% selected by the result of viewers’ vote, but this time, winners will be selected 70% by viewers’ vote and 30% by YG artists’ vote.
“MIX & MATCH” is a survival audition program in which candidates compete to be the member of YG’s new boy group by mixing and matching their talents, charms, and characters to the best. Total nine candidates including the members of Team B of 2013’s YG survival show “WHO IS NEXT: WIN” (B.I, BOBBY, KIM JIN HWAN, SONG YUN HYEONG, KOO JUN HOE, and KIM DONG HYUK), as well as three new YG trainees (JUNG JINHYEONG, JUNG CHANWOO, and YANG HONGSEOK) will appear in “MIX & MATCH”.
2014. 9. 3.