AP Interviewed 2NE1, “‘CRUSH’ is a Big Turning Point”

2014-03-06 01:40 pm


[이데일리 스타in 박미애 기자] 2NE1 said “CRUSH”, 2NE1’s second full-length album released four years after the first one, is “a big turning point for 2NE1”.

In AP’s video interview with 2NE1, which was disclosed on AP’s official YouTube channel on the 4, CL is introducing 2NE1’s new album, saying, “We have been preparing for this album for a long time. It will be a big turning point for 2NE1. There are a variety of songs including reggae, hip-hop, and R&B in the new album”.

About 2NE1’s new world tour “ALL OR NOTHING” which is held two years after the first world tour, 2NE1 members expressed high expectations by saying, “It is a very exciting thing to meet our fans around the world”.

Billboard has recently mentioned “COME BACK HOME”, one of the double title tracks of 2NE1’s new album, “the combination of different musical genres gave birth to this booming product”, while American music cable channel FUSE TV made headlines with an article titled “9 Reasons to Love 2NE1’s ‘CRUSH’ Album”.

Plus, VICE.COM, the web-site of North American news magazine VICE, and famous American magazine “SPIN” and “POPDUST” have spotlighted 2NE1’s comeback and music videos as well.

YouTube has also introduced the music video of 2NE1’s “COME BACK HOME” and “HAPPY” and covered the news of 2NE1’s new album entering TOP 10 in American iTune’s album chart. YouTube said, “A K-POP superstar has hit the Internet hard”, on “YouTube Nation” (http://www.youtube.com/user/youtubenation), its official channel to show the most viral videos on-line.

2NE1 releases the off-line record of their second full-length album on the 7 and gives the first comeback performance in SBS “INKIGAYO” on the 9.

2014. 3. 6.