[WINNER TV] Weekly Highlight #10 WINNER Begins Now!

2014-02-17 01:20 pm


[네이버 스타캐스트] Unfortunately, the last episode of [WINNER TV] show is coming up. Looking back the short ten weeks of WINNER TV, we all feel that we are now one step closer to WINNER. When WINNER TV show began, we were so full of excitement. Now, waiting for the last episode, we cannot but feel sorry that it is now time to say goodbye.

However, the story of WINNER has not ended. Thinking that only a small part of things that WINNER can show and sing for us has been presented through WINNER TV, we come to all the more look forward to more stages, songs, and all the other things that WINNER will give us in the future. The end for a real beginning! Please remember it for a long time.

Plus, don’t miss WINNER’s news that will be delivered through NAVER STAR CAST from now on!

[WINNER TV] Episode 10 WINNER Begins Now!

The night of a day before the last shooting. How do the members feel about the end? First guest to WINNER’s house! Sister 2NE1’s visit to WINNER’s house. Fun ramen-cooking of BOM & SEUNG HOON. Advice from 2NE1 as a senior who has experienced a lot since their debut. Talks that WINNER members shared in a camping car running to the destination of the last trip, and around a barbeque fire. Someone appears in a surprise video message, making all the members and viewers cry?! Find out who the person is now!

Video #1. WINNER’s “I’m a Butterfly”

“I’m a Butterfly” sung by WINNER. The lyrics well express WINNER’s feelings, so you can hear WINNER’s heart as you listen to it slowly and carefully. Check it out now!

Video #2. “Time Capsule” that Contains All the Stories of WINNER

A cap that was the symbol of teamwork during the days when WINNER was competing as Team A, couple t-shirts made by youngest members in Shibuya, composition and lyrics notes of “Go Up”, a map that helped the members when they were trying to get to Tokyo Tower, name tags for Dome Tour, Ee-hee doll that is the life of WINNER’s house. Making a time capsule that contains all those stories of WINNER TV!

Video #3. “Cheer up!” Message Delivered and Received through Heart 

Team B’s video message that begins with ‘Hi, WINNER~’, which made five grown-up men burst into tears! WINNER’s sorriness toward Team B, a cheer-up message and Team B’s resolution to follow WINNER soon. The climax of the last episode!

Surprise gift for fans who have been waiting for STAR CAST! Release of WINNER’s off shots! See the behind story of [WINNER TV] now, with photos of the members!


[TAE HYUN] He is wearing a training suit, as he was working out to make a perfect body for debut!

A busy and diligent guy, recording, working out, and even writing cards for fans!


[MIN HO] Who did know that one mere line could create such work of art… Nobody knew…


Who’s hands are these? You may know… Even his hands are so handsome!


[MIN HO & SEUNG YOON] Super-concentrating. They would not raise his head before being called three times…


In Garak room. Recently, we spend most of a day in this Garak room.


[TAE HYUN] His selfie that doesn’t look like Nam Eun Sang at all +_+ How come your lips are so red!


[SEUNG HOON] At dinner table! We don’t skip meals no matter how we are busy ^^


[TAE HYUN & JIN WOO] The youngest and the eldest. A rare two-shot..


[SEUNG YOON & MIN HO] We forget about the time when we are playing with bubbles.


[JIN WOO] The last one is an ultra-close-up of JIN WOO, the eldest member. Practicing singing in the early morning. You look so pretty seen closely.


▼WINNER members’ illustration cards that has their autographs and greetings on it



2014. 2. 17.