Psy officially announces he will unveil his new single worldwide April 13

2013-03-08 08:46 pm

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His concert in Korea, Happening, will be held on the same day, shown live worldwide on Youtube.

Psy, who rose to global stardom, officially announced when his new single is going to be unveiled.
On March 8, through his official Youtube channel, Psy posted a video telling his fans that his new song will be released on April 13. He says in the video, “April 13, 2013!” and then added, “I’m gonna do a concert in Korea, Seoul World Cup Stadium, and you can see it live on YouTube.” He has dubbed the concert Happening.
Following his message in Korean was the same message in English, for his fans all around the world.
On July 15, 2012, Psy released his title song Gangnam Style as part of his sixth regular album. This became viral on Youtube, which helped him rise to global stardom. Thanks to his already-established popularity, expectations are building up around the world for his new single album.
Gangnam Style is ranked number 27 in America’s Billboard Hot 100. Since it first entered the chart last September, Psy’s phenomenal song has been on the list for 26 weeks in a row.
Gangnam Style still holds the record for most-viewed video on Youtube, and soon the viewer number will reach 1.4 billion.