WINNER Reveals Episodes of Their North America Tour From Flight to Sightseeing on ‘W-LOG’

2019-03-22 10:48 am

[텐아시아=김지원기자] WINNER revealed episode 7 of ‘W-LOG’, containing the story of the group’s first-ever concert in Seattle as part of their North America tour. 

On March 20 at 1 PM, YG Entertainment uploaded episode 7 of ‘W-LOG’, which contained the daily lives of WINNER members in Vlog format, through their official YouTube channel. The video contained their Seattle tour from getting on the plane, sightseeing landmarks, and the behind story of their Seattle concert. 

YOON who appeared first shared greetings by stating, “We finally got on the plane. Our first-ever North America tour begins now”. 

He utilized the time during his flight tersely while filling out his customs form, listening to music, touching MINO, working on music, eating food, and presenting a late-night food mukbang. 

The members of WINNER turned on their ‘power tourists’ mode after presenting their glamorous fashion styles. They were surprised as any tourist would be after spotting famous landmarks and enjoyed their time while playing around with toys in a small shop filled with various props. They also made the viewers laugh by attempting to feed the birds while scared. 

The Seattle concert behind video continued, and the members shared their thoughts one by one. HOONY shared his thoughts by stating, “Since Seattle was the first city of our tour, I had the strongest impression on our American fans”. JINU stated, “It was amazing that our fans enjoyed our show and had a great time”. MINO stated, “The fans of Seattle are amazing! It was the first time I felt sincere communication  with the audience”. 

As the preview of episode 8 has been revealed on the end of the video with the text that read ‘NEXT’, the fans anticipations became higher than ever. WINNER recently completed their North America tour consisted of 7 concerts in 7 cities, which started on January.

2019. 3. 22.