YOSHI of TREASURE Preparing for GED Exam… Study Mode on Korean·Korean History
[동아닷컴=전효진 기자] YOSHI of YG’s rookie group TREASURE is studying hard for his upcoming GED exam on May.
On March 24 at 12 PM, YG Entertainment uploaded ‘A 3 Minute TREASURE – Studying’ through their official blog and TREASURE’s official social media account.
In the video, YOSHI introduced his notes on various subjects including science, math, and Korean history. Surprisingly, the notes were full of Korean. He used Korean even when he studied by himself, revealing his passion towards studying Korean.
YOSHI revealed his unique relaxedness and concentration while solving problems. His charms of biting his lips while concentrating made the viewers smile.
YOSHI kept on solving problems with a time limit, just like the actual exam. He proudly stated, “It was hard for me to even read the questions at first, since I didn’t know Korean very well”. He continued, “I put in a lot of work until I got to this point, where I can solve these problems well”.
He encouraged himself by stating, “Good job” to himself, then went back to focusing on solving more problems, showing his aspects as the ‘study fairy’.
However, YOSHI had his worries. He was worried that he couldn’t practice as much as TREASURE due to his GED preparation.
He revealed his determination by stating, “I’ll pass the exam so I can focus only on training. I will show many things (for the fans)”, and smiled brightly.
‘A 3 Minute TREASURE’ is a self-produced video content which the members introduce their small hobbies in daily life. The group is connecting with the global fans by presenting other contents as well, including ‘TREASURE MAP’, ‘TMI’, and ‘Fact Check’.
2020. 3. 24.