YG Disclosed BOM’s Happy Birthday Image Today (24)
[텐아시아=최진실 기자] YG Entertainment (“YG”) sent a happy birthday message to girl group 2NE1’s BOM.
On the 24 this month, an image that celebrates BOM’s birthday was posted on YG’s official blog. In the image, BOM in a colorful outfit and bold accessories is boasting her sexy and fresh appeal, leaning on wire fence. On the photo, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOM is written. BOM in the happy birthday image is her in the music video of “HAPPY”, one of the songs of 2NE1’s second full-length album, which catches fans’ eyes. On the 24, BOM celebrates her 30th birthday.
BOM’s year 2014 has begun pleasantly, as a member of 2NE1. “COME BACK HOME”, the title track of 2NE1’s second full-length album “CRUSH” has been showing a big potential by sweeping No.1 places on a variety of music charts in and out of the country, while receiving rave reviews from foreign media outlets including Billboard and FUSE TV at the same time.
2NE1 has recently been holding world tour titled “ALL OR NOTHING”. After starting the tour on the 1 and 2 this month in Seoul, 2NE1 continued the fever of their concert by attracting 8,000 fans to their concert in Hong Kong, which was held on the 22 at Hong Kong Asia World Expo.
While actively giving performances in Korea, 2NE1 will meet foreign fans on April 11 in Shanghai, China.
2014. 3. 24.